RCL Elections 2022

Umbilo Secondary conducted our RCL elections 2022 for Executive Members today, Tuesday, 22 February 2022.

The Educator Liason Officer was Miss J.P. Timothy and Deputy Education Liason Officer was Mr L.T. Samuels.

The entire process was overseen by an independent electoral officer, Principal of Fairvale Secondary, Mr D. Seidle. This was to ensure elections of the Executive RCL members was a fair process. Mrs R. Maharaj, Principal of Umbilo Secondary was also in attendance as an observer.

The outcome was as follows:

  • Chairperson: Siyanda Shangase : 12-2
  • Deputy Chairperson: Leah Jasson : 12-1
  • Treasurer: Tiana Houston : 12-3
  • Secretary: Sherlane Vandayar : 11-2
  • SGB Rep: Mongi Maphumulo : 12-1

A special congratulations to the Executive RCL of 2022.

Wishing you a successful year of trendsetting leadership.

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