We have come to the end of a long term with many challenges. Despite many circulars and reminders, the following is still a regular occurrence:

  • Learners who constantly abscond from class
  • Learners who have absolutely no work in their books
  • Learners who have not completed SBA or handed in anything at all.

Parents are reminded to check their child/ward’s books regularly. Your child/ward’s failure in an exam cannot be the first time you realise there is a problem. Our Grade 8 and 9 learners are particularly guilty of this.


We are all aware of school policies with regard to uniforms, late-coming, cellphones, cheating in an exam, bullying, selling of sweets and narcotics, etc.

Please note, that the school will be following due process with all learners who continually defy the rules. The school gates close at 7h50. Please ensure that your child/ward is at school before that. The 50-60 Wentworth learners who are late daily is unacceptable.

The learners who use narcotics (drugs) on the premises or sell them will face a disciplinary hearing, where expulsion will be recommended.


The term starts on Tuesday, 10 October 2023. All learners must be present. Exeats will not be allowed.


Grade 8-11 Reports will be handed out on Friday, 20 October 2023. Grade 12 reports will be handed out on Wednesday, 18 October 2023.


The number of parents who have not paid school fees at the end of the third term is alarming. We have sent reminders (blue letters) to parents. We look forward to payments being made at the end of this month. Thank you to all parents who have already made payments and continue to do so.

EFT payments into our bank account: 
Nedbank – Umbilo Secondary – AccNo: 1308079680
Reference: Learner FULL name and Grade

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