A printed copy of this Circular together with the March Control Test Timetable was handed to learners on 29 February 2024.

1.        ACADEMICS

  • The March Control Test starts on Wednesday, 6 March 2024. Download Timetable here.
  • A study culture must become the norm for all our learners. Please ensure that all books are checked, to ensure that they are up to date.
  • SBA (School Based Assessment) must be completed by all learners. Your child’s/ward’s results will be seriously compromised if SBA is incomplete.
  • NOTE: Lessons continue after the Control Tests and dismissal will be at 13h00. Please make the necessary transport arrangements.
  • Grade 8 Baseline Tests – Maths/English – the results of these tests will be sent to you on Monday, 4 March 2024. This will give parents a clear indication as to where their child/ward needs help.


  • The school policies regarding late-coming, uniform, copying, absenteeism, and fighting must be strictly adhered to.
  • The school code of conduct applies at all times.
  • The use of or selling of contraband is illegal and will be treated as a crime – SAPS will be called in.

3.        SCHOOL FEES

  • Despite repeated calls for fees to be paid, disappointingly very few parents have done so.
  • In this regard parents will be asked to accompany learners to school, to address this issue.
  • Thank you to all parents who have done the right thing in paying school fees – because of you, we have been able to pay our bills.

REMINDER: It is incumbent on all role players to ensure that our learners’ academic success be a priority.

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